
9/21/2021 Oh, it was pretty windy here few days back. Fortunately my antennas seem to have survived intact. My A3s is 45 degrees out of alignment, but it still seems to turn fine and tune up so the radios still work. I suspect something bad is happening in that rotor. That wind is turning it? If I ever swap again, I'm getting the 1000 rather than the Yaesu 800, I think, just because it's such a pain to touch this at all. I basically can't lift it. I hired a guy, and we both went up in a manlift, and he held the top rotor piece in place while I bolted it in. It was pretty intense, I don't think I could do this by myself. It's working good enough now that I'd never touch it during the pandemic. Anyway, social media is getting too weird lately, so I'm slowly retreating back to my own website, I think. Hope to post here more often.